School Nurse

The First Aid Room at Chatham Primary School is managed by a Level 2 First Aid Officer. Registered Nurse.

The First Aid Room provides students with first aid, and the management of students with higher health needs. Medication that is required by students during the course of the school day is dispensed through the First Aid Room. If your child requires medication throughout the school day, please obtain the appropriate form from the First Aid Room or from the school office.

In addition to the First Aid Officer, other staff members have First Aid qualifications.

If you child is unwell or is injured enough to warrant going home, you will be notified, therefore it is very important that your contact details are up to date and accurate. 

All head injuries will warrant the school notifying you by phone, no matter how insignificant they may appear to be.

If it is considered that an ambulance is required, it will be called whether or not the family holds ambulance cover. Parents are liable for any associated cost.